Thursday, 13 February 2014

Further Type Experiment


Here are two Indesign documents of further typography development for the three other words I am using: Elegance, Balance and stamina. I do not feel that some of the experiments worked successful enough to use. For the word 'Elegnace' I experimented with curving the text as I feel curves are smooth and elegance is seen to be something quite simple which this effect creates. I achieved that by going onto 'Effect' and into the 'Warp' tools where I chose to use the wave effect. You can also see I have used the warp tool on an experiment for the word 'Stamina' to make the text arch upward as though it is a weight being lifted which can represent strength. I feel the most successful 'stamina' experiment is the last one as I extended the letter 'a' and faded it out by changing the opacity of colour. It's well suited to the word as stamina is a fitness element that is consistent throughout. Finally I  tested various ways to put across the word 'Balance' which I did simply by transforming and rotating some of the letters. I wanted either all or one if the letters to look as though they were balancing on themselves or other letters and I personally think the last one shows this the best even though it is just a very slight adjustment. 

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