Friday 20 December 2013



One of the two themes I have chosen to look into is ballet dancing. I have chosen this theme as it is a passion of mine, however I want to understand that not all share the same love and thoughts on dance. Ballet dancing has been around since as early as the 15th century and began in Italy before being developed by the French into the dance as we know it today.  
I feel I want to explore deeper into the reality of ballet. Although it is conveyed as being about beauty and elegance I don't think many understand the harsh demands. Taken from another point of view ballet is not all beauty, there is pressure to be seen as perfect and it is a very physically demanding dance. 

Thursday 19 December 2013

Mind map ideas

This is a mind map of four chosen themes  I could work with to develop throughout the project And base my final pieces on. I will choose two I feel most confident with and explore into them further. 

Thursday 12 December 2013

Photoshop Development

Both of these two images were created using Adobe Photoshop software using similar tools to create the effects. On the original picture I used the 'filter gallery' options choosing the note paper effect on the distort section which gave a simple black and white image highlighting the dominant areas. I also used the same technique and furthered it using the 'Levels' and 'curves' on adjustments which by lightening it made the black go to a light grey colour. Finally I combined the images together placing the separate colour images on top of the base image, combining the layers. 
I think using subtle colours such as lilac and a light turquoise work well against the hard black image to balance it out.